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1. The Family and Modern Challenges: Perspectives from A Catholic Point Of View
FR. FRANCIS IKHIANOSIME exposes outstandingly, the traditional and modern challenges that beset the family and further enunciates possible ways to save the family.
2. A Family That Prays Together Stays Together
GABRIEL ADANU elucidates the values of family prayers despite the exigencies of modern life and work.
3. Challenges Of Childlessness in Christian Families: Reproductive Technologies, Their Ethical Implications And The Church’s View
DR. HENRIETTA MARIA WILLIAMS examines the challenges posed by childlessness to families. She also proposes ways to handle such situations which are at par with the teachings of the Church.
5. Communication In The Family: Values And Challenges
FR JOHN IDIO OMV underscores the value of communication in the family. He admits of various obstacles in this sphere and therefore proffers ways to enhance effective communication in the family.
6. The family as a Domestic Church
CLIFFORD AYEGWALO OMV x-rays from the biblical and doctrinal point of view the family as the miniature church which is the building-block of the ecclesial community.
7. The Church as Family in Solidarity with the Human Family in Times of Upheavals
FR CHRISTOPHER ASAMAH OMV calls the church especially at the local level to increase in vigour, its solidarity with the family in their deep moments of social, spiritual or economic crisis.
8. Marriage And The Problem Of Giving Communion To The Divorced And Remarried: Doctrine And The Quest For Change
FR NONSO ONYEMEH OMV in his work addresses the problems of giving communion to the divorced and remarried. He argues that the bond of sacramental marriage is intrinsically connected to the Eucharist.
10. Sub-Saharan Africa, Globalization, Value Creation And The Family: A Critique Of Social Dynamics
REV MIKE TER. SONGU OMV expresses succinctly the devaluation of the African in a globalised world due to harsh existential conditions. He thus, emphasized the role of the family in the arising need to reposition Africa for the future.
11. Parents As Powerful Agents In The Upbringing Of Children
KELVIN NWUNE OMV emphasizes that children at birth are tabula rasa-blank slate, hence, parents must ensure proper education and character formation of their children.
12. Violence; a stranger in the family
STANLEY OKONKWO OMV highlights the problems associated with violence perpetrated in the family by those who profess love in the home. However, he proffers solution to this ugly situation.
13. Artificial Procreation And Its Implicit Poverty
EMMANUEL EMALUME OMV in line with the church’s teachings exposes the moral considerations implicit in artificial reproductive techniques.
14. Wombs For Hire: The Challenges Of Surrogacy To Family Life
LUKA JOSHUA enunciates the moral concerns in surrogate motherhood, which amongst others raises question of the dignity and identity of the child.
15. Homosexual Union: A Parody and Distortion of the Idea of Marriage
JEREMIAH IRABOR OMV argues that Homosexuality as it were, is not in tandem with nature of the sexual act, it is contrary to natural law and it is neither life-giving nor life enhancing.
16. Dialogue as Locus of Family Union: Insights from Martin Buber’s I And Thou Relationship
DANIEL DAMISHAH OMV bearing in mind the effects of marital conflict proposes dialogue as an effective tool to sustain family union.
17. The Paradox of Dirty Politics and Honourable Politicians
MATTHEW KYEI CSsR in his reflection submits that regardless of the negative pictures politics has taken, it is still not a dirty game despite the fact that its players might not be so honourable.
18. Marriages, Few Families? (By James-Mario Ovie)
OVIE JAMES MARIO reflects on the growing trend of unstable marriages today. He outlines some reasons responsible and a possible way out.
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