Nigeria Delegation of the
Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV)
 Mariam Cogita,  Mariam Invoca
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Prayer for Vocation

Loving Father,
As Jesus taught us to beg the harvest master to send laborers into
his vineyard, so we now ask you to bless the Oblates of the Virgin
Mary with numerous vocations. May your Spirit draw men of
integrity to love you intensely, and to serve you courageously in
poverty, chastity and obedience. Reveal your mercy to them, and
remove the distractions and fears that keep them from echoing
Mary’s joyful Yes. Guide them in discerning the mission for which
you created them, so that they in turn will become wise yet gentle
shepherds of souls. We ask through the intercession of Father
Lanteri, and in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
In the name of Jesus and through the intercession of
Mary Most Holy, we ask you, Father, to bless us with the
gift of vocations for our religious family. Amen.

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Nigeria Delegation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV)